Landowners Actively Applying the Latest in Land Management Strategies to Counter Climate Change

Northam Forest Carbon is an organization focused on providing the most current research and reports and connecting our communities and landowners with resources about how carbon sequestration and storage in our forests is an essential part of slowing the effects of climate change in Vermont.

 Our goal is to help landowners see how their forests are vital for combating climate change by cultivating and preserving healthy forests. We work to inform and educate landowners in Vermont about the carbon cycle on their land and statewide, how this cycle relates to Vermont’s climate action initiatives and specific actions landowners can take to build the carbon stored and sequestered on their land. The more strategically we manage our forests as landowners, the more carbon we can store in them and prevent from concentrating in our atmosphere.

“The clearest way into the universe is through a forest.”

— John Muir